
« On the feast of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Prince Vladimir, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London »

On July 28, 2021, on the day of commemoration of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Prince Vladimir, in the Holy Baptism Basil (1015), the Day of the Baptism of Russia, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London.
His Grace was assisted by priest Dimitry Nedostupenko, Secretary of the Sourozh Diocese, archpriest Vitaly Polishchuk, archpriest Maxim Nikolsky, archpriest Joseph Skinner, Dean of the Diocesan District of the South-West of England, priest Sergiy Fedorenko, priest Alexander Menshikov and protodeacon Vadim Santsevitch.
The liturgical hymns were performed by the trio under the direction of the Cathedral's choir master Dmitry Tugarinov.
At the small entrance, in consideration of their zealous pastoral labors, liturgical awards of the Russian Orthodox Church by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, on the proposal of His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, were awarded to Archpriest Maxim Nikolsky - the right to serve the Divine Liturgy with open Holy Doors until the Cherubim hymn, and to archpriest Joseph Skinner - the right to wear a pectoral cross with decorations.
At the end of the divine service, the Archpastor addressed the clergy and parishioners of the Cathedral with words of a sermon and spiritual edification.
The divine service was broadcast live on the diocesan page Life of Sourozh on the social network Facebook.
Following the decree of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia regarding the celebration of the day of the Baptism of Russia on July 28, 2021, a festive bell ringing took place at the Cathedral at 12:00 local time.