
« On August 18, the funeral of Archpriest Raphael Armour, cleric of the Sourozh diocese, will take place »

On August 18, 2023 in the parish of St. Ephraim the Syrian in Cambridge, the funeral for the newly departed cleric of the Sourozh diocese, Archpriest Raphael Armour, who died suddenly at the age of 77, will be held on July 25, 2023.

His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh will serve the divine service in the hierarchal rank.

Address: St Clement's Church, Bridge Street, Cambridge CB2 1UF.

08:30 - Hours 
09:00 - Bishop's meeting, Divine Liturgy, funeral service.
14:00 - burial at The Arbory Trust, The Lodge, Comberton Road, Barton CB23 7BA