
« A pilgrimage to the historic site of the first Christian church in Ireland on the Church Mountain »

On June 6, 2022, on Monday, the parishioners of St. Peter and St. Paul Church in Dublin made a pilgrimage to the historic location of the first Christian church on Church Mountain in Wicklow County, Republic of Ireland.  According to legend, the church was founded on the top of a mountain by St. Palladius, the predecessor of St. Patrick of Ireland, at the beginning of the 5th century.
According to the Western church historian Prosper of Aquitaine (5th century), in 431 Saint Palladius, Bishop of Ireland, was sent by the Pope of Rome Celestine to Scotland for missionary work, from where he arrived to the neighboring Ireland, where he preached for some time.
On the top of the mountain, Rector of St Peter and St Paul Church in Dublin, Dean of the Diocesan District of the Republic of Ireland, archpriest Mikhail Nasonov and the pilgrims served a moleben to all the Irish Saints.
Church mountain is about 550 meters high, and getting up to the top of the mountain is moderately difficult.