
« The services of the First Week of Great Lent are celebrated at the London Cathedral »

The services of the first week of Great Lent are being celebrated in their fullness in the small church at the Cathedral. Many parishioners attended the Vespers on Sunday evening, during which the clergy changed into the dark lenten vestments and the protodeacon intoned the solemn Great Prokeimenon 'Turn not Thy face away from Thy servant, for I am troubled' which marks the beginning of the Fast. At the end of Vespers, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh spoke of the importance of  forgivenes and himself asked forgiveness of the clergy and people. All present then came and asked forgiveness in turn.

Every morning the services of Matins, Hours, Typika and Vespers are celebrated, with the reading of the Psalter and the oft-repeated prayer of St Ephraim the Syrian, 'O Lord and Master of my life..', accompanied by prostrations. On Wednesday and Friday the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is celebrated and the faithful who are observing the Fast have the opportunity to receive the strengthening grace of Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

In the evening, from Monday to Thursday, the service of Great Compline with the reading of the penitential canon of St Andrew of Crete is celebrated. These services are marked by a specially quiet and prayerful atmosphere. Each evening, at the end of the service, Archbishop Elisey preaches a sermon. The recordings of the sermons are available here.

On Friday evening the Sacrament of Holy Unction will be celebrated for the confirmation of our repentance and for the healing of soul and body. It will be celebrated every week during the Fast. Orthodox Christians aged seven and over may participate in it, but only once. It will be preceded by general confession.