
« The 6th Meeting of the Assembly of Bishops with Churches in Great Britain and Ireland took place »

The 6th Meeting of the Assembly of Bishops with Churches in Great Britain and Ireland took place at the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God and the Holy Royal Martyrs in London on Tuesday Nov. 6th. The participants were welcomed by the Dean of the Cathedral, His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin, Germany and Great Britain. The Assembly heard reports from its Educational, Pastoral and Theological Committees. Among the questions discussed were the procedure for the transfer of clergy from one jurisdiction to another, mixed marriages between Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christians and the veneration of the ancient saints of Britain and Ireland.

After the meeting, the assembled hierarchs prayed before the copy of the miracle-working Czestochowa icon of the Mother of God which was present for the day in the Cathedral. It is on a journey through Russia and Western Europe dedicated to the defense of the civilisation of live and love, organised by both Roman Catholic and Orthodox pro-life organisations.

The members of the Assembly were then given a lunch prepared by the Sisterhood of the Cathedral.

